Daily Phrase I wouldn't go that far!

Published: July 19, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

b'I wouldn\\u2019t go that far! \\u6211\\u4e0d\\u662f\\u8fd9\\u4e48\\u8ba4\\u4e3a/\\u6211\\u4e0d\\u662f\\u5f88\\u8d5e\\u540c
We use this expression when we want to show that we don\\u2019t really agree with someone.
Written: NO Spoken: YES Formal: NO Informal: YES
Example 1
- I think this movie is the best of his ever!
- I wouldn\\u2019t go that far. His previous movie is his best that I have seen.
Example 2
-Don\\u2019t you think that he is a good employee?
-Actually I wouldn\\u2019t go that far. He only has stunning performance when he is in a good mood, most of the time, he is just a grumpy lad.'