Ts'msyen Stories and Tlingit Conversations

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 9:34 a.m.


This  week on \\u201cGunalch\\xe9esh!\\u201d, we feature the Tlingit and Ts\'msyen languages.   We will hear two stories by Ben Spencer in Ts\'msyen and four Tlingit  speakers with parts of conversations between David Katzeek and John  Martin as well as George Ramos with Lena Farkas.  In between segments,  we hear 2 songs  by Khu.\\xe9ex\' (Haida/Tlingit) as well as songs by Mungo  Martin (Haida), Robert Davidson and Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson  (Haida), Dionne Brady-Howard (Tlingit), and more.  K\\u2019yuuhlg\\xe1ansii  (Haida) hosts from Lingit Aani (Tlingit Land) in Sitka, Alaska.


Listen Live Thursdays at l0:06 PM on KCAW Sitka FM and KCAW.org or Fridays at 9 PM on KSTK Wrangell FM and KSTK.org. Hear last week\'s show: https://tinyurl.com/y9jas5bz



[Radio Show # 87]
