What I Wish I'd Known Before Falling in Love

Published: April 26, 2021, 2:55 p.m.


In this episode, I reflect on what I wish I knew earlier on, back in the days when I was totally lost on everything love, dating and relationships. I think back to mistakes I\\u2019d made...although I don\\u2019t really like to call them mistakes, because I think everything happens for a reason and everything happens in the timing it\\u2019s supposed to.

Nevertheless, I have a list of 13 things I did that helped me on the journey of finding my true love. I believe that if I hadn\\u2019t done these things, I certainly wouldn\\u2019t be able to experience the deeply loving relationship I\\u2019m now in, because I wouldn\\u2019t know who I am, I wouldn\\u2019t love myself, I wouldn\\u2019t understand my trauma and how to manage my triggers in a healthy way, and so much more.

Let me know your thoughts and if you can relate! Please share this episode on your social media and tag me so I know if this content is resonating with you.


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