Reid Peterson- Grief Refuge

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, 10 a.m.

Reid Peterson is the Creator of Grief Refuge, a mobile app that is a daily companion to people in grief. Reid has years of experience working with grief and creating online learning. He has combined the two into a unique app for your smartphone.

Reid's biological father died in 2006 and his stepfather died in 2016. After losing both father figures in his life, he sought support through community grief counseling and support groups. After realizing comfort and solace could be provided to grievers more consistently, he made the Grief Refuge app to provide support on a daily basis.

Women, this is a great episode to share with the men in your life. There are too few of us men in this spiritual/grief field.

Reid lives with his wife, Jessica, in Santa Barbara, California. Together, they spend time at the beach playing volleyball, hiking in the foothills, and living heart-centered lives.


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