Michele Neff Hernandez- Different After You

Published: March 24, 2022, 8 p.m.

Michele Neff Hernandez is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Soaring Spirits International, a non-profit organization providing peer support programming for widowed people worldwide.

Michele is the author of Different After You: Rediscovering Yourself after Grief or Trauma set for publication by New World Library in February of 2022. Her passion for supporting widowed people and the power of integration fuels her presentations and her community activism and recently led to her being honored as a 2021 CNN Top Ten Hero.

Michele's website is:

Michele's book is:
Different After You: Rediscovering Yourself and Healing After Grief and Trauma
Soaring Spirits International: www.soaringspirits.org

Some of the things we discuss are:

  • The process of writing Different After You
  • What’s the first thing you tell a newly widowed person — or someone who has very recently endured a traumatic experience?
  • How soon after a life-altering loss or trauma should someone read Different After You?
  • “Integration” is a core part of Different After You. We discuss what integration is why it's important.
  • How connecting with a community of others who are going through profound loss helps someone.

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