Fan Appreciation Day With Brian- Bonus Episode

Published: Dec. 6, 2019, 3 p.m.

It's just after Thanksgiving, an appropriate time to take a few minutes to give a shout out to my fans. I've been on the air for just about six months and hit some milestones with both the podcast and YouTube.

I want to take those of you who listen, who support the podcast financially, and those who have shared the podcast. A special thanks to my friend Jeri at Vizzi Photo for her help with my new podcast episode cover.

I'd like to ask you for three favors. You can do one, two, or all three.

1.) Make sure to subscribe to the podcast through your favorite podcast app, so that you don't miss an episode.
2.) Please rate the podcast at
3.) If you'd like to support me financially, go to

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