#69: Harvard Business School Professor Frances Frei & Entrepreneur Anne Morriss, co-authors of Unleashed

Published: Aug. 9, 2021, 12:10 p.m.

Had the pleasure to speak with Frances Frei, Harvard Business School Professor and former SVP of Leadership and Strategy at Uber, and Anne Morriss, Executive Founder of The Leadership Consortium and Principal at The Morriss Group.

The two co-authored the book Unleashed, the unapologetic leader’s guide to empowering everyone around you.

In this interview, Anne and Frances talk about:

* Anne’s childhood and being raised by her single mom

* Frances’ childhood and not fitting the normal boxes of society

* Both of their coming out processes and their advice to others

* Anne attending @brownu and then @harvardhbs

* Frances’ attending @uofpenn and then @whartonschool for her Ph.D.

Introduction: 0:00 - 0:45

Anne’s Childhood 0:45 - 3:38

Anne talks about her single mom 3:38 - 6:48

Anne talks about her journey realizing she was gay 6:48 - 12:21

Anne talks about her advice on coming out 12:21 - 15:00

Frances talks about her childhood, coming out 15:36 - 20:00

Frances talks about where her ambition came from 20:00 - 22:15

Anne talks about her ambition 22:15 - 26:57

Frances advice on someone struggling to come out 26:57-28:52

Anne on attending Brown University, working for Amigos, : 28:52 - 34:39

Anne on attending Harvard Business School 34:40 - 37:20

Anne and Frances’ advice on taking advantage of business 37:20 - 39:25

Frances Talks about her UPENN experience and after 39:26 - 43:14

Frances talks about her Ph.D. at Wharton 43:15 - 44:34

Anne talks about how she and Frances got together 44:35

Website to Buy Unleashed: https://www.theleadersguide.com/

Grateful Living Info:

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To Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Hn4ttt...

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