#21: Executive Director at Morgan Stanley, Samuel P. Lalanne, On His Business Journey

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, 10:32 p.m.

Samuel P. Lalanne is an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley and the Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion for the firm's Institutional Securities Group (ISG).

Previously, Sam spent 19 years at Citi in various leadership roles including as a Senior Vice President of Citi’s Global Diversity and Talent Management team, an HR corporate center function.

Topics Covered in this Interview:

- Sam's family background being 1st generation immigrants and being the youngest of 4 siblings

- Sam's transition to private school in seventh grade

- Why Sam chose to attend Boston College

- Sam's experience at Boston College and how being one of BC's Football Managers instilled work ethic and also lessons on how to run an organization

- How Sam got an internship after his freshman year at Boston College

- Sam's advice to those searching for an internship

- How Sam grew "laterally" at Citi, building various different skill sets and learning different parts of the business, before moving vertically

- How Sam as a person of color has viewed his own business journey