2021 Vlog #4: How to Support a Loved One Struggling with Mental Health

Published: Jan. 30, 2021, 3:20 p.m.

As we near almost 10 months of a pandemic state, the stress and mental health is taking a toll on so many people - health wise losing someone, health wise fearing losing someone, economically, socially just not seeing people as much, students are finding learning virtually stressful are just a couple of things going on.

During this time period, I’ve received this question from a lot of people.

How can I support a friend struggling with mental health?

For the first time in people’s lives, many people who hadn’t previously dealt with mental health struggles are now dealing with them and those who were dealing with them prior, theirs might be getting even worse.

In this video, I talk about 3 tips I have for supporting a friend struggling with mental health.

I would love to hear from anyone, whether publicly or privately, if this advice is helpful and whether or not I should add some more advice.

Thank you guys, hope you guys have a great Saturday!


1. Create a level of Trust to talk about real issues (1:11 - 2:55)

2. Make sure they see the light, their life matters and that a good life is possible (2:56 - 3:58)

3. Try and have them seek professional (3:59 - 5:05)