We're All In This Together

Published: May 10, 2020, 10 a.m.


Scripture and questions for study and reflection:

Read Acts 2:42-47.

1. In the new member \\u201cConnect\\u201d Class, we teach that the church is a \\u201cfamily.\\u201d Do you agree with this description of church? Why or why not?

2. Pastor Mick said this is a perfect Mothers\\u2019 Day passage because it describes the church family living and behaving the way every mom wants her family to live and behave. Do you see that in this passage?

3. Have you ever struggled with the part of this passage in which people sell their possessions and give to others? Do you find that behavior consistent with modern cultural norms? If so, how? If not, how do you reconcile the difference?

4. Do you agree that everyone longs to belong to a family? How might the church help satisfy this longing?

5. Acts 2 is the Biblical model of what the church should look like in practice. Often times, however, it does not look like this. Why do you think that is?

6. Pastor Mick attributed much of the dysfunction that occurs in church to the fact that brothers and sisters in Christ act like, well, brothers and sisters. Do you agree? What should we do when this happens?

7. Pastor Mick discussed how the pandemic has reminded us of the difference between Christian cloistering and Christian community. What did he mean by that? How might this reminder be helpful, both in the short-term and the long-term?

8. How does the strength of our church family unit impact our ability to achieve the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?

Prayer for the Week:

Lord Jesus, thank you for inviting us to be part of your family we know as the church, of which you are the head. Draw us closer to one another as brothers and sisters who nurture each other in faith. Help us to see God the Father through your life and teaching, and bring us into His presence through your redemptive work on the cross. Through the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, help us to be the church the leads others to abundant and eternal life through a deep and abiding relationship with you. We pray all of this in your strong and holy name, Lord Jesus. Amen.
