The Power of Prayer

Published: Oct. 18, 2020, 10 a.m.


Scripture and questions for study and reflection:

Read James 5:13-20.

1. In verses 13 and 14, James lists three situations and gives us advice regarding what we should do in each. What are the three situations and what does he tell us to do in each? How are the responses different for each situation? How are they similar?

2. When someone is sick, why is it important for them to \\u201ccall the elders of the church to pray over them\\u201d?

3. Verse 15 talks about the sick person being \\u201cmade well\\u201d and \\u201craised up.\\u201d What does James mean by this? Is there a danger in this verse being misinterpreted and misused? If so, what is that danger and how can it be misused?

4. Verse 16 discusses confession, prayer and healing. Francis Chan refers to this as \\u201cproper channels.\\u201d What do you think he means by that?

5. Verse 16 concludes by saying, \\u201cThe prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.\\u201d How are the two sentences of verse 16 related? Is confession needed for righteousness? Why/why not?

6. What is James trying to tell us by lifting up Elijah as an example?

7. Pastor Mick shared a story about his grandpa and how a physical illness turned him back to God for spiritual healing. How does that story help make sense of today\\u2019s passage?

8. Pastor Mick shared about a local ministry called S.O.L.S. (Saving One Lost Sheep). How might verses 19 and 20 be the basis for that ministry?

9. Francis Chan uses verses 19 and 20 to say that \\u201cGod uses us to change someone\\u2019s eternity.\\u201d What does he mean by that? How could we do that?

Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, we confess that we all have sickness in our lives. Some of us have physical sickness, some emotional sickness, some spiritual sickness, and some have all of the above. Whatever our illnesses may be, we turn to you as the Great Physician. We lift up prayers to you and we ask others to pray on our behalf, because we believe in the power of prayer. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. Bring forth healing in whatever ways you deem fit. And as we are healed, help us to reach out to those wandering from the truth and bring them back, so that their sins can be forgiven and their destiny changed. We pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.
