Strength Under Control

Published: April 30, 2023, 10 a.m.


Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:\\xa0

Read Matthew 5: 1-12 \\u2013 The Beatitudes.

1. What does the word\\xa0\\u201cmeek\\u201d\\xa0mean to you?

2. Chandler says that\\xa0\\u201cMeekness is not weakness, but a controlled strength rooted in our trust and delight in God.\\u201d\\xa0What does he mean by that? How does that differ from the world\\u2019s understanding of meekness?

3. In what ways were Moses and Jesus meek?

4.\\xa0Read Matthew 26: 47-56.\\xa0In what ways does Jesus demonstrate the Biblical understanding of meekness in this passage? What are we to learn from this?

5. What did Peter learn from the above passage? (Hint: see 1 Peter 3:9) What does this mean for us in our everyday lives?

6. What do you think Chandler means by the term\\xa0\\u201cHoly Restraint\\u201d?\\xa0In what ways do you need to do a better job of practicing\\xa0\\u201cHoly Restraint\\u201d\\xa0in your own life?

7. Pastor Mick compared physical violence with verbal violence. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different? Which do you think is more common? Which does the most damage in the world?

8. MLK famously said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." What did he mean by that? How does this relate to the Biblical understanding of meekness and blessing?

9. Pastor Mick said that the tongue may be the most powerful sword of all. What did he mean by that? Do you need to change the way you use your sword/tongue? If so, how?

Prayer for the Week:

Gracious and loving God, help us to truly understand these beautiful blessings you offer each and every one of us. As we continue to study these beatitudes, these blessings, over the next several weeks, help us to remember that you are working to transform us and instill these characteristics within us. Help us to surrender our lives completely over to you, and allow your Holy Spirit to do this transformative work within us. We confess that we can\\u2019t do this work on our own, but we know you can and we trust that you will, if we let you. Thank you, Lord, for being patient with us when we try to do things our own way through our own power. Grant us the humility to confess our need for you. Lord, we love you, we need you, we trust you and we believe in you.

In your mercy, Lord, hear our prayers. Amen.
