Living by Faith

Published: Oct. 24, 2021, 10 a.m.


Read Hebrews 11:1-2, 13-16.

1. How does the writer of Hebrews define faith?

2. Why do you think the ancients were commended for their faith?

3. Chan says, \\u201cHaving faith often means doing what others see as crazy\\u201d and, \\u201cSomething is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.\\u201d What do you think he means by this? When has your life exhibited this kind of craziness? When have you failed to do so?

4. Pastor Mick shared a quote from C.S. Lewis in which he said, \\u201cIf we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.\\u201d Do you think the ancients would have related to that quote? How do you relate to that quote? Is that quote helpful? Why/why not?

5. The writer of Hebrews refers to the ancients (heroes of the faith) as \\u201cforeigners and strangers on earth.\\u201d What do you think the writer meant by that? Could the same description be used for you? Why/why not?

6. What does the writer of Hebrews say the ancients were longing for as they lived in faith? (see verse 16) Is that what we\\u2019re all longing for? What do you long for the most?

7. Pastor Mick references 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 and 2 Timothy 4:7-8. Why do you think he brought these passages into today\\u2019s message? How do these words from Paul fit/support the message from today\\u2019s Hebrews passage?

8. Read Hebrews 11:6 and 11:16. What are the promises inherent in these passages? What is required to receive these promises?

Prayer of the Week:
Lord Jesus, we confess that we often struggle to walk by faith and not by sight. Sometimes we\\u2019re reluctant to trust you completely and we\\u2019re afraid to follow you wherever you lead us. Sometimes, when the world tells us we\\u2019re crazy for following you whole-heartedly, we react to that more than we respond to you. Please forgive us, Lord. Decrease in us a desire to follow the ways of the world and increase in us a desire to follow you, no matter the cost. Fill us so completely with your crazy love that it spills over on those around us, so we might all come to know you, love you and follow you. In so doing, may we all receive a crown of righteousness and a heavenly home for all eternity. We ask all of this, Lord Jesus, in your precious, holy and strong, strong name. Amen.
