Forward or Backward

Published: May 30, 2021, 10 a.m.


Go Deeper This Week
Scripture and questions for study and reflection:
Read Exodus 16:1-3.

1. This sermon series and Right Now Media discipleship study are titled \\u201cReopening Christianity.\\u201d What does the title mean to you? How might it relate to Covid? How might it be bigger than Covid?

2. The key question we\\u2019re trying to answer today is, \\u201cAm I moving forward or going backward?\\u201d What do you think is at the heart of this question for you, and for the church as a whole?

3. In today\\u2019s passage, we find the Israelites on the Exodus journey. In what ways were the Israelites moving forward and in what ways were they going backward? In what ways are we similar to them?

4. Why did the Israelites grumble against Moses and Aaron? What are some situations in your life when you have grumbled?

5. Pastor Mick said the Israelites were remembering their time as slaves in Egypt nostalgically, through rose colored glasses. What did he mean? Do you agree? Have you ever done that in your life? If so, when?

6. Zach Zender, author of this study on Right Now Media, says, \\u201cMany of us prefer the predictability of the past over the uncertainty of the future.\\u201d Do you agree? What implication might this have on the church going forward?

7. Zender goes on to say, \\u201cUnder every ounce of uncertainty exists an opportunity to trust in the certainty of God\\u2019s promises.\\u201d What does he mean? What does this mean for your faith life? What does it mean for the church?

8. Zender says, \\u201c2020 has exposed the breaking point for our nation and at the same time a second opportunity for unworthy, undeserving Christians to live as God has called us to live.\\u201d Do you agree with him? How does this make you feel (excited, anxious, etc.)?

Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, we confess that sometimes we have missed Your miracles and provisions in our lives. Forgive us for our short-sightedness and lack of vision. Forgive us for the times we have not represented You well in the world. As we look back and see clearly Your faithfulness, help us to move forward confidently, boldly and courageously into the future with You as our Guide. Help us to be true disciples of Jesus, going out to make new disciples of Jesus, for the transformation of the world. Amen.
