Christ the King

Published: Nov. 24, 2019, 10 a.m.


Scripture and questions for study and reflection:

Read Colossians 1:15-20.

1. What does it mean when we describe Jesus as the One who was and
is and is to come?

2. How is Jesus \\u201cthe image of the invisible God\\u201d as described in
verse 15.

3. As \\u201cthe firstborn over all creation,\\u201d Jesus is both the means and the
goal of creation. What does that mean to you?

4. Pastor Mick used the example of a tapestry to describe God\\u2019s plan
for creation. What did he mean by that?

5. How do you understand the phrase, \\u201cin him all things hold together\\u201d
in verse 17?

6. What does it mean for Jesus to be \\u201chead of the body, the church\\u201d?
What does/should it mean for us and the way we live our lives every

7. Pastor Mick described humanity as a mosaic. What do you think he
meant by that?

8. What does it mean for Jesus to be \\u201cthe firstborn from among the
dead\\u201d? What does that mean for us?

9. How has God, through Jesus, \\u201creconciled to himself all things\\u201d?

10. What does all of this mean to you personally?

Christ the King Prayer:

Almighty God, who gave your Son Jesus Christ a realm where all
peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; make us loyal
followers of our living Lord, that we may always hear his word, follow
his teachings, and live in his Spirit; and hasten the day when every knee
shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord; to your eternal
glory. Amen.

(from the United Methodist Book of Worship, #421)
