Birth Pangs

Published: May 23, 2021, 10 a.m.


Scripture and questions for study and reflection:

Read Romans 8:22-27.

1. Today is Pentecost Sunday. What does that mean? Why is this day significant?

2. Read Acts 2:1-13. What is going on here? What is significant about the languages/tongues of fire? What does this mean for us today?

3. Why do you think Paul uses a pregnancy metaphor in today\\u2019s passage from Romans? What is he trying to help us understand with this metaphor?

4. Paul talks about waiting in today\\u2019s passage. Pastor Mick described two types of waiting, using the DMV and pregnancy as an example of each? What was he talking about? How are these types of waiting different?

5. Paul talks about the \\u201ccreation groaning.\\u201d What does he mean by that?

6. How does the Holy Spirit help us in our weakness?

7. How does the Holy Spirit intercede for us? When might this be necessary, and comforting?

8. In what ways is today\\u2019s passage speaking about transformation, of the individual, the church and creation as a whole? Do you think pregnancy is a good metaphor for such transformation? Why/why not?

Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the good work you have already done in us and the good work you continue to do in us. Forgive us for the times we stray from your will. Bring us back to you. Even though it may be painful and we may groan about it, don\\u2019t leave us in our fallen and broken condition. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, transform us from the inside out more and more into the image of Jesus every day, so that we might go into this world as your good and faithful servants, bringing forth your kingdom right here on earth. We pray this for our own good and for your glory, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
