So Close

Published: June 6, 2010, 10 a.m.

For Christians, the Old Testament and its law can seem unimportant, inaccessible, or even irrelevant. After all, many wonder, why does the law matter as long as we have faith in Christ? Yet Jesus quotes from the book of Deuteronomy (“the second giving of the law”) more than any other book in the Old Testament, and this should cause us to consider its importance in our lives today. In this 14-week series, we will seek to lay the foundation for our thinking on how the law relates to the gospel. We will see that the law was ultimately given to reveal to us the nature of our hearts and our need for a savior. This series will examine the motivations of our hearts and show how the law is more vital to the gospel than we ever imagined because it points us to our need for Jesus. Join us as we uncover the gospel in Deuteronomy.