Changed My Mind

Published: Sept. 1, 2013, 4 a.m.

b'We are all born into sin. We live in a individualistic society. We struggle everyday with selfishness. Pastor Jeff encourages us that we no longer have to conform to the patterns of this world and all that it values. Instead we can allow the Holy Spirit to transform us by renewing the way we think about things so we can value what God values. If we do this we will move past the elementary teachings of Christ, becoming mature believers. It is time for us to spiritually mature as believers instead of wasting resources by requiring to be spiritually spoon fed for years and years, resources that can be used to win new believers with the Gospel. We can instead mature, feeding ourselves, so we can be used to fill the desperate need of feeding others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and thereby increasing our influence in the world for the sake of Christ.'