Using Google To Tech Like A Pirate - GTP117

Published: May 11, 2020, 5:30 a.m.


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Want to do Tech Like a Pirate stuff?


What\\u2019s the focus of the book? (Using tech to create an experience, make learning memorable) \\u201cDon\\u2019t just teach a lesson. Create an experience!\\u201d

Is there research that supports doing activities that are fun? (Shawn Achor productivity, neuroscience study, National Institute for Play ongoing studies)

What are the ways to Tech Like a Pirate?

  • Social media and apps
  • Video
  • Games
  • Collaboration
  • Images
  • Exploration
  • Global communication

Can these be used with Google tools? And remote learning?

  • Social media and apps: Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter templates in Slides
  • Video: In video calls/pre-recorded video: What\\u2019s the lens you see the video through? (news anchor, on the scenes TV reporter, reality game show, horror movie, etc.)
  • Global communication: Inviting virtual guests, adding virtual field trips to video calls
  • Exploration: giving students flexibility in what they research/find info (and where they find it)
  • Collaboration: Shared Google Slides

Google Teacher Podcast Mailbag

Renee Johnson (California)

Steve Scaysbrook (United Kingdom)

On The Blogs

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
