You'll get a Christmas miracle whether you want one or not.

Published: Dec. 22, 2019, 10 a.m.

More than any other holiday, Christmas is predictable: the food, the lights, the music, even the date. If we imagined an unpredictable Christmas, we’d assume everything went wrong. But an unpredictable Christmas is exactly what God wants us to have. The gifts he delivers are so great that, no matter what we’re anticipating, we can count on being surprised. This week we see how Christmas offers us a miracle that’s more than just myth. Christmas stories often include miracles. The idea that something unexpected and supernatural could happen in our lives captivates our imagination. Yet, we often live as though such miracles are nothing more than wishful thinking. Christmas proves God is capable of the miraculous. The truth asserted about Jesus at his birth was proven at his resurrection. The miracle of Jesus’ birth shows us the kind of God we have.