Whether you're at Good News or in Mt. Horeb, "alone" is one thing you never are.

Published: June 4, 2023, 10 a.m.

When we’re thirsty, we need to know where to find water. In the same way, when our souls thirst for the things we need from God, we need to know where to turn. Thankfully, God tells us where we can find his greatest blessings on tap. He uses specific channels so his grace can flow freely, channels that ensure his blessings will never dry up. Today we celebrate the festival of the Holy Trinity. Far more than merely an abstract doctrine, God’s triune nature means that connection is part of who he is. His desire to express this essential trait of love prompted him to create us in the beginning, to redeem us through his Son, and still prompts him to invite people all over the world into communion with him as his Church shares his gospel.