When looking for a home for more than Christmas, consider three things: location, location, location.

Published: Dec. 24, 2022, 10 a.m.

Everyone wants to be home for Christmas. Whether you’ll be home this Christmas or not, God offers us an even better definition of “home,” and he offers it to us for more than one day. One of the names the Bible uses to refer to Jesus is Immanuel, which means “God with us.” In Jesus, God is always with us so that we never have to be without him. On Christmas Eve, we celebrate Immanuel’s arrival. Any child’s birth is worth celebrating, but the details of Jesus’ arrival are especially important for us. The announcement of his arrival and the signs that accompanied it marked the lowliness and humility that would characterize his life from the cradle to the cross. As a result, while all those who commanded the world’s attention and admiration took no notice, the lowly and the forgotten received front row access to the newborn king. And as a result, there is room at the manger for us as well.