When it comes to who's in or out, Jesus makes it personal.

Published: Sept. 1, 2019, 10 a.m.

It’s possible to stay neutral about opinions and suggestions. But any claim on reality is destined to divide. It’s no wonder that’s the case with Jesus. Because he came to bring good news, not give good advice, it's impossible to stay neutral about him. This week we hear Jesus tell us to make every effort to enter through the door that leads to eternal life. On the one hand, that door is narrow. Many will be left out. On the other hand, the door is open to all. Through Jesus’ life and death, there is no need for us to prove our worth to get through the door. As we put all our trust in Jesus—and endure the struggle that comes with it—we can be confident that we have a place in our Father’s house at his table.