When it comes to the works and ways of God, blindness is the preferred state of affairs.

Published: March 19, 2023, 10 a.m.

Have you ever wanted a do over? When we mess up, it’s natural to want another shot at getting it right. But Jesus came to do far more than give us a second chance. He came to be the perfect substitute for the whole human race and to win back for us even more than what we had lost. This week we see how God provides us with sight that is even greater than perfect, 20/20 vision. Since the fall into sin, the human race has been trapped in blindness. We cannot see the truth about ourselves, our God, or our world. But rather than simply restoring our vision, God sent us his Son. When we listen to his voice, we have something better than even the best human vision could provide. We have divine vision of who our God is and what he has done for us.