When God builds it, who will come?

Published: Nov. 27, 2022, 10 a.m.

Everyone wants to be home for Christmas. Whether you’ll be home this Christmas or not, God offers us an even better definition of “home,” and he offers it to us for more than one day. He is always with us so that we never have to be without him. This week we see that, in Jesus, God is present among his people. His presence is no longer tied to one specific building or place. His presence is no longer in the form of visible flesh and blood as when he walked the earth. And yet, we can still be confident that he is always near. When we gather around his Word, he is with us to bless us with light for our path and peace in life’s trials. As we start a new Church Year today, we already know the most important thing about the year ahead: Whatever may happen, it will happen with him.