What God fuels us with proves what God fuels us for.

Published: July 16, 2023, 10 a.m.

This past week we had the wonderful privilege of welcoming nearly 100 children from our congregation and community to our Good News Soccer Camp. It was an awesome week for learning about soccer, meeting new friends, having a lot of fun, and learning about our good and gracious God. This year’s camp theme was “Fuel for Life: God’s Grace Flows Abundantly.” The theme comes from 1 Timothy 1:14. There the apostle Paul describes himself as the worst of sinners. If God worked the way sports work and he published the statistics of our sins, Paul said that he would be ranked #1 in the world. But far from this causing Paul to be overwhelmed by guilt or despair, it simply led him to a greater appreciation of God’s gracious love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. It caused Paul to write: “The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly."