Trust your ears to tell your eyes what they aren't seeing.

Published: May 23, 2021, 10 a.m.

Judging by appearances, it's easy to conclude that God is either inactive or absent in our world. That's no surprise considering he removed his visible presence from our world long ago. Thankfully, we don't have to trust our eyes to know where God is and what he is up to in our world. God is still at work, especially when it looks like he isn't. Today we celebrate the day when this fundamental change in how God interacts with us first took place. As promised, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be his advocate during the earth’s last age. The invisible way in which Jesus interacts with us seems wrong. As a result, so does everything the Holy Spirit teaches us about God. But because Jesus sends the Holy Spirit from his throne in heaven, we can trust what the Holy Spirit says even more than what our eyes can see.