There's at least one thing Mary didn't - and we had better - know.

Published: Jan. 2, 2022, 10 a.m.

The smaller something is, the closer you have to get in order to see it. That’s why the best way to view the gifts God gives at Christmas is “up close and personal.” God acts in ways that seem small so we can get a good look at the big things he’s doing. Today we see how the arrival of the world’s Savior highlights the work required for our salvation. If that work entailed nothing more than a “to do” list (and a “to don’t” list), then a baby would have been the least qualified to do it. Jesus’ arrival as an infant and his existence at every stage of human development proves that our salvation is found in more than a series of tasks. It is found in a person who substitutes his entire life for ours.