The score isn't what you think.

Published: Sept. 12, 2021, 10 a.m.

Once something becomes habit, it’s easy to forget why we started doing it in the first place. The same goes for our spiritual habits. It’s important for individuals and churches to regularly reassess what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. This week God helps us reset our understanding of what’s at stake in our lives. It’s easy for our attention to gravitate toward battles that are fought in our world over things like power, influence, and recognition. In battles like those, it seems more and more like Christians are losing. But God wants our focus to be on a much more important battle. Our real enemies are not simply trying to make earthly life uncomfortable for us. They are in a tug of war with God for our souls and our eternities. Thankfully, in this high stakes battle, Jesus has already won the victory. All who turn their hearts to him will have a share in his salvation.