The reward you receive for your faith is going to be delayed.

Published: Nov. 6, 2022, 10 a.m.

“It's going to get better.” That's easy to say when life is really bad. It's a bit tougher to say when life is really good. But because of Jesus, both are true. No matter how good (or bad) life gets, it’s always going to get better. This week we see how our life with promise includes promised blessing for those cursed. Whether it’s the general curse of sin or the specific curses pronounced by those who oppose Christ and his Word, life with Christ often appears to be no better (or even worse) than life than life without Christ. One day, however, the promised blessing we hear our Savior proclaim to his people will become visible. In that day, our faith will turn to sight and the blessedness of belonging to Jesus will be visible to all.