The only one who can stand between you and greatness is you.

Published: Sept. 19, 2021, 10 a.m.

Once something becomes habit, it’s easy to forget why we started doing it in the first place. The same goes for our spiritual habits. It’s important for individuals and churches to regularly reassess what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. This week Jesus helps reset our definition of greatness. In the eyes of the world, greatness is seen in how high you climb, how much you make, and how many people report to you. In Jesus’ kingdom, however, greatness is equated as service—and service to great and small alike. Because this definition of greatness is upside down from the world’s, it’s not simply something we can be told about or commanded to do. It must be demonstrated—and has been demonstrated—before our eyes and for our benefit in the life of Jesus himself.