The one thing needed

Published: July 31, 2022, 10 a.m.

We live in a world where a thousand things are competing for our attention. As a result, we often talk about the importance of being free from distraction. The reality, however, is that we need to be freed from distraction. A life focused on all the right things is only possible because of a Savior who was always focused on us. This week we hear Jesus focus our attention on service. It’s easy to think that the purpose of our lives as Christians is to serve God. In reality, what we need first and foremost is for him to serve us. Every time we gather around his Word, he welcomes us as our host. We sit at his feet to receive the gospel gifts he always brings with him. We arrive with hearts that are empty from the trials and temptations of life but leave having been filled with his forgiveness and love.