The offensiveness of Jesus' message isn't a bug; it's a feature.

Published: Jan. 27, 2019, 10 a.m.

We dedicate so much of our lives to fitting in and feeling like we belong. And yet, the more we realize the brokenness of our world and its inability to satisfy the longings of our heart, the more feeling out of place might actually be a good thing. Just as God's Son unsurprisingly seemed out of place when he came to this earth, it shouldn't surprise us when the same is true of those who follow him. This week we see how the central message Jesus came to proclaim is one not welcome here on earth. Just as it was rejected in Jesus’ hometown, so also our human heart naturally resists the gospel. Thankfully, just as Jesus demonstrated his power over that opposition, so also the gospel has the power to overcome the opposition in our heart.