The Good News on Mt. Horeb is Good News for Mt. Horeb

Published: Feb. 19, 2023, 10 a.m.

About a decade ago, someone had the idea – and others agreed with the idea – that the new church they were starting in Mt. Horeb would be called “Good News.” When Christians talk about the good news (or the gospel), they are most likely referring to what that news is. The “what” of the good news is that God loved a world of sinners so much that he sent Jesus to be our Savior. But how that good news is delivered is, itself, good news. God delivers his forgiveness and salvation in a way that allows sinners to draw near to him in faith rather than being driven from him in fear. That “how” of the good news is demonstrated vividly in some important events that happened at the biblical place for which our village is named: Mount Horeb. On Mt. Horeb, we see how God hides himself in order to reveal himself to his people. As we dedicate this building, that good news on Mt. Horeb is good news for Mt. Horeb.