The driftless are given a drift.

Published: Feb. 5, 2023, 10 a.m.

There are times in life when it feels as though all we can do is “put our heads down” and move forward. It is important, however, that we occasionally stop and look around in order to regain a wider perspective. As we do, Jesus makes sure we're standing in the right spots in order to see life the way he wants us to see it. This week we hear the next section of Jesus’ so-called “Sermon on the Mount.” In this section, Jesus doesn’t help us see something about him as much as he helps us see something about ourselves. He calls his followers salt of the earth and light for the world. Both pictures highlight the blessing and value that Christians are in a world full of darkness. Salt and light is what Jesus declares that we are. Salt and light are what Jesus wants us to be.