The Day of Pentecost de-weaponized our spiritual thirst.

Published: May 28, 2023, 10 a.m.

When we’re thirsty, we need to know where to find water. In the same way, when our souls thirst for the things we need from God, we need to know where to turn. Thankfully, God tells us where we can find his greatest blessings on tap. He uses specific channels so his grace can flow freely, channels that ensure his blessings will never dry up. Today we celebrate the Day of Pentecost. On this day Jesus kept his promise to pour out his Holy Spirit on his fledgling Church. This was more than a one-time-only event. This is God’s arrangement for the entirety of the last days. While we wait for Jesus’ visible return on the last day, his blessings flow to us freely through the Spirit’s work in the gospel.