The best place to find treasure is in the trash.

Published: April 7, 2019, 10 a.m.

If the battle against evil in any way depended on us, we would be destined for defeat. That’s why the heart of the Christian message is not about empowerment or encouragement. It’s about substitution. In the battle against our greatest enemies, we are spectators rather than participants. This week we see Jesus go head to head with our natural tendency to judge outward appearances. That tendency both causes us to have an inflated opinion of the visible good we see in our lives and in our behavior and to have a deflated opinion of the value of Christ. In our eyes trash often looks like treasure and treasure like trash. However, Jesus opens our eyes by reminding us that this is exactly how God intended it. The stone chosen to be the corner of Christ’s church is the very one that people chose to reject.