Restrict yourself to Jesus' word in order to be free.

Published: Oct. 27, 2019, 10 a.m.

No one likes to have their time wasted. Unfortunately, that's often what happens when it comes to the Christian faith. The things that get all the attention are nothing but distractions from what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus and his Word are always helping us navigate the noise to get to the heart of the good news. This week we examine what is at the heart of truth. It’s common today for people to think that truth only restricts and confines us. We’re led to believe that true freedom comes when we break free from imposed definitions of truth and do what we want. In contrast, Jesus teaches us that the truth gives freedom. It sets us free from sin, guilt, and death. Not only that, but we know exactly where to find the truth. It’s found in Jesus’ words. It’s found in Scripture alone.