Pay close attention to the man behind the curtain.

Published: Nov. 7, 2021, 10 a.m.

It’s been said that the sun is always shining; it’s just that sometimes clouds keep us from seeing it. In the same way, there are splendid realities that God describes in his Word that are often clouded by the current conditions of life in this world. As we near the end of the church year, God gives us a “peek behind the curtain” to see the reality that is already ours in Christ—a reality we one day will be able to see with our own eyes. Today the reality of eternal life is hidden by the shroud of death. Death seems like a universal and invincible tyrant in our world. It eventually comes for all. And yet, behind this curtain stands one who has already defeated death. Because Christ lives, so do all those who die in him.