Once the victory is won, the bodyguard of lies is no longer needed.

Published: May 14, 2023, 10 a.m.

Easter Sunday wasn’t simply another start to another week. It was the first day of something brand new. A new day had dawned, a day that has no dusk. The sun still has not set on Jesus’ victory, and it never will. This week we celebrate that, when God’s Son rose as with truth, the sun set on ignorance. Left to ourselves, we would always be in the dark about God – grasping for the truth about him but never laying hold of it. In Jesus’ resurrection, however, God demonstrated that his Son is his full and final revelation to the world. Though the world passed its verdict of Jesus by putting him to death, God made reality plain by raising him to life. As a result, we can eagerly and joyfully follow his commands as we wait for his return.