Jesus serves us with offensive love.

Published: April 6, 2023, 10 a.m.

What Adam – the first man – lost for us is surpassed by what Christ – the last and ultimate man – won for us. The work Christ did for the whole human race culminated during what we call Holy Week. In a certain sense, it was the last week ever. It was the last week in which it had to be the way it had always been. On Holy Thursday, we remember Christ’s institution of the last meal. Prior to Jesus, Jews had celebrated the Passover meal as an annual reminder of their deliverance from slavery and as a foreshadow of the coming Savior. As Jesus prepared to finish his work as the Lamb of God who takes away all sin, he instituted a new meal, a meal he wanted his church to celebrate regularly until his return. Holy Thursday is a natural opportunity to review the essence and the significance of this meal.