Jesus puts his kingdom on the market.

Published: Aug. 9, 2020, 10 a.m.

If we want to understand who God is and how he works, we don’t need to climb up to him. Jesus brings heaven’s best secrets down to earth. He reveals God to us using ordinary, everyday things. This week we see how Jesus reveals the worth of the heavenly gifts he came to bring. We might think the gifts he offers us don’t look like much. We might think we can find comparable things in other places. However, Jesus states that his kingdom is worth giving up everything else in life in order that we might have it. Thankfully, Jesus doesn’t just tell us that this is the case. He also shows us why this is the case. Though his heavenly gifts are a priceless treasure, he throws them far and wide to each and all as if they were of no worth at all. He spares no expense in order to make his heavenly riches our possession.