Jesus is willing to put his record on the line.

Published: July 14, 2019, 10 a.m.

This past week we had the wonderful privilege of welcoming 63 children from our congregation and community to our Good News Soccer Camp. We had great weather, great volunteer help, and great participation from all our campers. It was an awesome week for learning about soccer, meeting new friends, having a lot of fun, and—most importantly—learning about our good and gracious God. This year’s camp theme was “Nothing is impossible with God!” The theme comes from Mark 10:27. After his disciples asked him who could possibly be saved, Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” This week we met a number of different people who seemed impossible to save. But we saw how Jesus reached out to them to share his forgiveness and salvation with them. Today we will meet one more example of such a person. We’re glad to have campers and their families with us today to celebrate the conclusion of this wonderful week!