It take more than one sense to make sense of suffering.

Published: Sept. 9, 2018, 10 a.m.

The outcome of a contest often comes down to who wants it more. As a result, nothing makes our spiritual enemy happier than when we take matters of faith and eternity lightly. While we think it’s all fun and games, he’s playing for keeps. Thankfully we have a God who takes this battle just as seriously and who is far stronger than our foe. This week we see how this war between our God and our enemy has left battle scars. We experience the effects of sin in all kinds of different ways. At times we might wish that these scars would be eliminated. However, our comfort is found in the fact that Jesus came to bear these wounds for us. He took on not only our sin but also its effects. Because he did, we look forward to the day when our scars will be no more.