Is a church of true believers the world's worst fear or its best friend?

Published: Aug. 27, 2023, 10 a.m.

People who form a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. People looking for a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. But the only thing that matters is what Jesus says a church should be like. And thankfully, Jesus never shied away from describing and demonstrating the kind of church he wants. This week we see that the kind of church Jesus wants confesses Christ confidently. In his love for us, God has revealed the truth about himself and the truth about his Son. As a result, he wants us to confess that truth before others. As we do, we can be confident not only that our confession is accurate but that it is indestructible. All those who build their lives on the solid rock that is Christ stand on a firm foundation.