If only we could see.

Published: Sept. 27, 2020, 10 a.m.

It’s easy to get distracted by things that don’t matter. It’s easy to lose focus on the things that do. Thankfully, Jesus helps us take a step back, tune out the noise, and make sure we are on the same frequency as God. This week we see Jesus help us get “dialed in” on our enemies and allies. In our secular, materialistic world, it’s easy to forget about the unseen realities that surround us every day. On the one hand, we have terrible, fearsome enemies who are hell-bent on our physical and eternal destruction. On the other hand, however, Jesus has already brought about their defeat and employs his angel armies to protect us from them. When we open our eyes to see these enemies and these allies, we also see that those who are for us are greater than those who are against us.