If Jesus is who he says he is, then you are who he says you are.

Published: Aug. 30, 2020, 10 a.m.

It’s easy to get distracted by things that don’t matter. It’s easy to lose focus on the things that do. Thankfully, Jesus helps us take a step back, tune out the noise, and make sure we are on the same frequency as God. This week we see Jesus help us get “dialed in” on exclusiveness. The Christian faith is known for being exclusive. Rather than claiming that any and all religious paths lead to God, the Bible asserts that Jesus is the only way to heaven. However, because faith in Jesus means trusting in what he has done rather than trying to do what he has done by imitating his example, what Jesus offers is available to all. There is no person whose life is so broken or whose sins are so great that they will be excluded from heaven. Though Jesus is the only way to God, the blessings he freely offers include everyone.