Grace is a non-fungible commodity.

Published: Feb. 27, 2022, 10 a.m.

When someone has an epiphany, it's not that reality changed. The way they see that reality did. In the same way, having Jesus in our lives doesn't always mean our reality changes. It simply means we see that reality differently (and better). Today we get an “Epiphany Orientation” about what reactions we should have toward and expect from others. Our natural instinct is to think that evil needs to be repaid with evil and good with good. Jesus, however, teaches his followers to repay evil with good and not to expect for good to be repaid. Perhaps nothing is so out-of-place and seemingly upside down in our world than the behavior Jesus calls for. According to Jesus, that’s the point. In acting this way, we identify ourselves as children of our Father in heaven.