God's plan of action for his field: Yield for the yield.

Published: July 30, 2023, 10 a.m.

We’re right to expect big things from God. Unfortunately, we often look for those big things in all the wrong places. Through history, God has demonstrated that he is Lord of the small, taking what seems very little and making it the seed of something big. This week we see how God uses small action to bring about big justice. When we see injustice in our world, we naturally want to see it dealt with swiftly and decisively. Even more, we prefer to have a hand in seeing to it that justice is carried out. God, however, takes justice out of our hands and our timetables and carries it out in his own unique way. While he appears to allow evil and injustice to spread unrestrained, he is allowing evil to bring about its own undoing and reserving his final judgment of all evil for the day of his return.