From your worst nightmare to your wildest dream

Published: Nov. 1, 2015, 10 a.m.

While the world around us becomes obsessed with what's "in stores" (whether that’s a real physical place or somewhere in cyberspace), the Christian Church turns its attention to what God has "in store" for the world and its people. By revealing to us everything about the future that he wants us to know, God also helps us get ready for what he has planned. This week God points us to the hidden reality of our lives as his saints. Based on outward appearances, Christians are no different from anyone else. We're just as weak, just as fragile, just as sinful. But God declares us to be something different: his holy ones, his children, blessed, heirs of eternal life. Why? Not through any merit of our own, but all because we've been washed in the blood of the Lamb.